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CategoryName: Produce
Description: Dried fruit and bean curd
Product NameSupplierQuantityPerUnitUnitPriceUnitsInStockUnitsOnOrderReorderLevelDiscontinued
Uncle Bob s Organic Dried Pears Grandma Kelly's Homestead 12 - 1 lb pkgs. 42.00 15 0 10
Tofu Mayumi's 40 - 100 g pkgs. 7.00 35 0 0
Rössle Sauerkraut Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG 25 - 825 g cans 3.00 26 0 0
Manjimup Dried Apples G'day, Mate 50 - 300 g pkgs. 21.00 20 0 10
Longlife Tofu Tokyo Traders 5 kg pkg. 2.00 4 20 5

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